Stephen  Sun

Stephen Sun


RE/MAX Realtron Realty Inc., Brokerage*

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Stephen Sun's blog

2020 Year In Review and 2021 Predictions

First of all, I want to wish you and your family a safe and happy new year. I hope 2021 will be your best year yet.

Why you SHOULDN’T Invest in real estate!

Have you been thinking about investing in real estate but not sure if it’s right for you? Then you’ll want to watch this video where I outline the 5 reasons why someone should NOT be investing in real estate. I’ll not only explain the reasons, but also give you 5 pro tips on what you should be doing if each of those reasons apply to you!

April 2020 - Market Watch Update and Prediction for May 2020.

April 2020 Numbers from the Toronto Regional Real Estate Board just came in today and let’s take a look at how much Covid-19 has affected the market.

At the same time I want to break down the numbers into Condos vs. Freehold and also break them down into different price brackets to give you a better context behind the numbers and see how each sub-market fared during the lockdown.

Debunking the 5 BIGGEST mortgage deferral myths for Canadians!

Watch this! As I break down the FIVE (5) biggest myths for Mortgage Deferral program for Canadian during the COVID-19 Crisis.

1. Mortgage deferrals only apply to principal residences!

    a. Mortgage deferrals applies not only to residential properties, but also commercial properties.

    b. The government understands that as a landlord, your tenant may have trouble paying rent. 

    c. Each bank sets their own criteria but landlords are not excluded.

2. Mortgage deferrals are costly!

Can I predict the future (in Toronto Real Estate Market)???

Want to know how the COVID-19 crisis has affected the Toronto Real Estate overall? Want to hear MY prediction for April 2020? Take a look at this video!

TRREB has separated their data into 2 sets, PRE-COVID19 and POST-COVID19

Buyer Tips for Buying During Covid-19

Are you a current Buyer or Seller during even thought the whole country should be in isolation?

Perhaps you bought or sold before the virus got worse and you HAVE to buy or sell now!

Here are 5 TIPS for BUYERS who MUST buy now:

Tip #1: Drive and follow your agent around IN YOUR OWN CAR! Do not ride in the same car together.

Tip #2: Please for the sake of everyone, CANCEL the appointment if you don’t feel well! Common Sense! But if you MUST, then please put on a mask, gloves and a rain or thick coat! But please reconsider.

Covid-19 Seller Tips

Are you a current Buyer or Seller during even thought the whole country should be in isolation?

Perhaps you bought or sold before the virus got worse and you HAVE to buy or sell now!

Here are 5 TIPS for SELLERS who MUST sell now:

Tip #1: Try to limit the number of people going through your house! That means no Open Houses if it’s a house that you are living in!

Tip #2: Have some hand sanitizer or masks or cleaning supplies by the door or in the powder room and have signs out reminding visitors to wash their hands before touring your home!

Let's Talk Open Houses

Today I want to talk about open houses and answer some questions.

Do Open House still work?

Why do agents do Open House?

What are some of the things you should be aware of during open house?

Watch my video below to learn more about open houses!


6 Affordable Ways to Boost your Home's Curb Appeal

When buyers come to see your home, the first thing they notice is how your property looks from the curb. That first impression is powerful and lingering. If buyers don't like what they see, it can influence how they judge the rest of your property, regardless of how great it looks on the inside.


You definitely want to do whatever you can to boost curb appeal. Here are six affordable ideas to consider:


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